News Flash: Read Carol At The IAHE Blog, Too

The Indiana Association of Home Educators (IAHE) has their new blog up and running, designed to equip and to serve.  I have been invited to be a contributor, and I hope you will be inspired when you read what I'm writing there, too.  I'll still be writing here at Unsmotherable Delight, but I thought you might like to know where else I'm writing.

As always, my aim is to uplift and encourage you to trust in our mighty God in whatever endeavor He has called you to, whether homeschooling or another passion of His heart.  So even if you're not homeschooling, I believe you'll be blessed by what you read at the IAHE's new blog, too.

I called today's post Jehovah's Morning Manna.

Here's a sampling. . .

O taste and see that the Lord is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him! Psalm 34:8

“Daddy, what is it?”  That’s what the Israelites’ children must have been asking when they first saw manna—the tiny flake-like bread that appeared with the dew. They named it manna, meaning literally, “What is it?”  (See Exodus 16)

Can you just imagine the other questions they must have been asking?  How does God know where we are?  How does He know how much we need?  Why is it always just the right amount?  Why must we gather it every morning?

God’s people were in the wilderness, and they were hungry.  The Lord saw their need, and sent this mystery bread from heaven to feed each one of them.  They discovered it tasted like wafers with honey, and they found it there for them every single morning until the day after they first ate the produce of the Promised Land.  (See Joshua 5:12)  The only exception was Sabbaths, when they had tasty leftovers—which, too, was a miracle in itself.

Think of such a provision!  Wouldn’t it be great—to know the Lord would provide each day exactly what you need?!

Actually, He can, He will, and He does.  Okay, it’s not necessarily outside on your front lawn, and you can’t usually cook it in a pot, but He does.

To read the rest, you can follow this link.

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