Transcript Season

(Shared with the IAHE blog, too)

It's transcript season at our house, and I've been reminiscing.  One of my dear girls has started her last year of high school.  We have been through so much and learned so much together.  And most of it could never be reflected on a transcript.

Oh, yes, she has learned to balance chemical equations, to make bread and berry pie, to use imaginary numbers and subordinating conjunctions.  She can play the piano and tell you who Thaddeus Kosciuszko was.  But a transcript could never reflect who she has become.

In the progress of gathering up samples of her work for a portfolio, I came across a notebook wherein lay perhaps some of her most significant work.  It was work that went far deeper than history facts or geometry proofs.  It penetrated her heart and ignited something inside her.  This work hadn't been assigned for an official class.  It was what she had done during the time she devoted to God's Word at the beginning of the day during one of her school years.  The notebook contains the notes she made as she read through the Old Testament books of Joshua and Judges.

As I read through tears of joy, I saw that she had carefully catalogued, verse by verse, what was taking place, grouped the verses into logical divisions, and summarized the content.  She made observations on the overarching themes, and then applied them to her own life and the life of our nation with incredible insight.  God challenged her to align herself with His priorities, and she said, "Yes!"  He spoke, He revealed His faithfulness, and her faith grew.  And mine grew, too, as I read what the Lord had taught her.

Contrary to popular opinions of some, studying God's Word is no dry, meaningless, intellectual exercise; it has been a living and powerful shaping force in her life.  As I observe her attitudes today and hear her speak with passion, I know that the living God who revealed Himself in those passages has molded her faith with His own hand.

As we spend each passing day with our children, let's not forget that the most relevant things they will ever learn are the spiritual truths from God's Word that will anchor them long after they've left home and long after we have moved on to heaven ahead of them.

And more rewarding than anything that could be recorded on a transcript is knowing that our children's names are recorded in the Book Of Life.

". . . You know in all your hearts and in all your souls
that not one word of all the good words
which the LORD your God spoke concerning you has failed;
all have been fulfilled for you, not one of them has failed."
Joshua 23:14b

LIfe LIte!

This post is by a special guest blogger, our daughter Megan . . .

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[Disclaimer:  Full Life is not affiliated with Life Lite and does not endorse this product.  Limited warranty cannot guarantee full satisfaction.  Life Lite is not responsible for consumers’ full experience of regret, death, and trial by fire of half-hearted life work.  Life Lite does not guarantee that the level of benefits will reach expected one half levels or that danger, risk, sacrifice, etc., will not exceed half levels.]


John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;
I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” 

Matthew 10:39
“He who has found his life will lose it,
and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it.”


If you would like to read more from Megan, you can find her blog at